Illustrated Cars

I had some fun this week playing around with a Photoshop action that was recommended by Unmesh Dinda at PixImperfect, my go-to person for learning anything and everything about Photoshop. The action, produced by IndWorks, is available for purchase at a cost of $7 from Envato Market and the nice thing about it is that it’s totally customizable. Once the action is played, it is output to multiple layers in the Photoshop layers panel, each one of which can be adjusted, masked, etc. So, you have the capability to create a truly unique illustration where you can adjust almost every aspect of the final image.

Close-up of Layers Panel output after running Illustration action.

In the car illustrations above I chose to have the action work on the entire image. However, you can also make selections in your image that you want to illustrate and the action will work just on that area and then create a background to complement the final illustration. The backgrounds are fully customizable as well. For example, below in the original image, I made a selection of Christina Corgi and the result, after running the action, can be seen in the image following.

Some familiarity with Photoshop is helpful when using the action, particularly if you want to make your own adjustments to the individual layers. Give it a try and have some fun with it!

Angle Up

Finding Our Voice


Happy New Year